Song of the Whales - Hear your Home
Song of the Whales - For You, so you can Hear Your Home
Dear Human,
this song is for you...
For you... who hears the call...
For you... who moves mountains to find Yourself...
For you... who opens up to the Truth of Existence...
The Song of the Humpback Whales.
Whales are beings of immense wisdom, infinite love of other dimensions of the world... Their body vibrates differently than ours, they are conscious beings who hold the vibration to remember who and what we were and to remember how we can re-enter this world. Their songs are different every year, and not just every year, every 3 months, scientists have noticed changes in their songs in recent times. We are talking about humpback whales, which sing in such a way that the males stand with their heads down and start singing. Their songs are different in different seas. And yet they can communicate with each other.
As the whale whisperers say, they contribute to the vibrational grid of the Earth with their song, to maintain the vibration of Love.
The song goes through the whole body.
When I came into contact with this song, my body vibrated differently while swimming in the water. I felt their body when I touched a whale on the island of Maui, Hawaii. My body also trembled from this tenderness, softness, flexibility and at the same time the power they have. And the eyes - when a whale looks into your eyes, you stop... There are no words...
This song, which I recorded with my instruments, voice, with the help of a whale recording from a special scientist from Hawaii, is here for you. May it give you that moment of relaxation and softness of Life.
Listen when you need to get away from tension, when you want to calm down, when you want to get in touch with Saba and when you want to remember the beautiful nature that exists on this planet again.
Enjoy the 9-minute recording.
With love,